Sunday, June 13, 2010

Fullmoon Party: a MUST for young Thailand travellers

Fullmoon Party: a MUST for young Thailand travellers

The first message I would like to get through: Fullmoon Party MUST be stated on a „what I have to do in my life before I die“-list, that is for sure. It was the best party I have ever been to. But I would like to start from the beginning:

On 29th of May our trip started out from the Thavorn Grand Plaza to Kho Phangan. We had to get up very early because it took us four hours by Minivan to reach Suratthani where we had to switch into a big bus bringing us to the Donsak Pier after another two hours drive. Then we had to take a big ferry to reach the party island.

The nice thing, you could sleep on the ferry if you got some space and if you do not scrutinize what sticky substances were on the floor. You could also start your party right on the ferry because they provided the right drinks for the Partypeople.

When we reached Kho Phangan we had to check in in our Hostel (the Hostel, that some of us didn’t require..:-) After some drinks at our Hostel Bar we were in the mood to take off our shirts and paint our bodies with fluorescent color – like we have seen in so many videos about Fullmoon Party – and we didn’t even attract attention because everybody wore these “clothes”.

After we arrived at the party location we were just fascinated. The beach, the music, tons of alcohol and the crazy people – we couldn’t believe that we were at the legendary Fullmoon Party in Kho Phangan. Stalls with funny signs like “no money, no honey, no bucket, no boom boom” offered big buckets of every alcohol you would like to have for just 100 Bahts.

There were also people who were jumping over burning ropes – unfortunately or luckily I was a little drunk to try this dare because I didn’t want to hurt myself. After excessive partying I lost my friends, but this was no problem because you turn around and start chatting with people from Australia or you turn around and drink with guys from South Africa or you turn around and dance with people from Brazil – amazing. After pickpockets relieved me from my money (because I was so silly bringing my bag to the party) I had the choice to go to the sleeping area or to take a Tuk Tuk to our Hostel. Luckily I found some of my friends again, before I could even try out the sleeping area at the beach, and we decided to drive home.

The lesson is clear: This was the most amazing party in my life (even if I lost couple of things – so do not bring any belongings with you – you could go even naked you wouldn’t strike attention…) and we will definitely come back soon!!